Hi everybody,
I hope everyone is still well and keeping yourselves busy. It was lovely to talk to some of your mums and dads when they were collecting your school books on Thursday last. I was delighted to hear about the work that lots of you are doing and I’m looking forward to hearing from you on clara.carter@stjosephsgorey.ie
I hope you’re getting lots of exercise everyday and enjoying plenty of sunshine, while keeping yourselves safe at the same time. Hope you’re getting lots of reading done too.
I have attached the answers to last week’s Future Tense sentences, last week’s New Wave Mental Maths answers and this week’s Mathemagic Answers. Use these to help you spot where you’re going wrong. In Maths, if you find you’ve made a mistake, use the answer to help you work backwards and try to figure out where you’re going wrong. If you need any help please email me on clara.carter@stjosephsgorey.ie
This timetable is a guide. You can follow it if you like or follow your own schedule. Try some of the maths – if you are a fast worker you should get most of them done, if it takes you longer then pick a few from each exercise. Do not worry about getting it all done. Do what you can. Your best effort is all that any of us can do. I know my class is full of great workers so I know what you’re all capable. I received some fantastic work this week boys so keep sending it to me at clara.carter@stjosephsgorey.ie If anybody would like any other work just email me also. Stay safe everybody!!
Timetable 25-29 May
N W M M answers pg 89 – 91
Mathemagic– this week’s pages, tips & answers
You can write your sentences HERE if you like
Gaeilge 25 – 29 May- Bun go Barr
Art ideas- Teddy Bear Art Inspiration
You can use THIS for your research topic if you’d like
Rocks – SESE- Small World 6th Class Geography & Science (I wrote pages 1-7 on Rocks in the timetable so that you could break the work up between Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. Those numbers refer to my attachment. Rocks in the SESE book is from pages 109 to 113. You will be learning all about Plate Tectonics & Igneous, Sedimentary & Metamorphic Rocks in secondary school so this chapter will help you next year.)
Test yourself in maths- Level 5 or 6 Topmarks.co.uk
There are great books available- ebooks and audio on Epic
Duolingo is a great way to practice your Irish
The app Caoga Caoga is also great for practicing Irish
BorrowBox is the online library app and has lots of great books available to borrow for free