Hello 4th class !!!
Do your best on this work and I hope to see you all soon!! Mrs. Armstrong
-Cosmic Kids Yoga- YouTube
-Joe Wicks -Body Coach YouTube
Do some drawings from your -garden( flowers trees animals birds)
-home ( armchair TV Xbox shoes)
-use your imagination and create your own characters and scenes.
-Draw a new invention
-Library Books – do some drawings about your book
-Read at Home Week 21 1 page per day
Answer questions
-If you’d like to practice handwriting write out the answers
-Draw scenes or characters from these stories.
-Unit 14 5 spellings per day.
-Do Look Cover Say Write each day
-Do 2 exercises from Unit 14 each day
-Optional: Sentences 1 a day
Dictionary work 1 word a day
-Mental Maths Week18
-Hit the Button – Topmarks
-Practice 6x 7x tables (time yourself!)