Hello again everyone! How are you all? I hope you are well.
Here is work for you to do this week. Remember to try and do a little of each subject every day and keep a routine. Please do not get worried about getting all of this done. Just try your best.
Click here for a suggested timetable for this week. It is just a guideline. You can change it to suit yourselves.
This plan from NEPS might also prove useful.
My email address is claire.lawlor@stjosephsgorey.ie. You can use this to contact me or send me your work. I have seen lots of great work this week. Well done!
Please continue with your Mental Maths as usual.
Continue doing the Daily 10 Mental Maths Challenge on topmarks.co.uk. Click here
For the last few weeks we have been skip counting in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s and 10s. We learned some songs to help us. Keep going over these as much as you can to make sure you know them.
Tables are so important. Please practise on the Hit the Button app. Keep practising your number bonds, but try the Times Tables too. This week I want you to try your x2 and x3 on it.
This week we are moving on to capacity.
On Monday I would like you to watch this video and then complete this worksheet.
On Tuesday I would like you to watch this video and fill in this document.
On Wednesday, watch this video and complete the top half of page 133 below.
On Thursday, watch this video and complete the bottom half of page 133.
On Friday, please complete page 134. The other page is from your Figure it Out and is an extra challenge you might like to do.
Please continue with your Jolly Phonics sheets and your Read at Home as normal. Here are the Jolly Phonics sheets for you to print:
For reading this week, please read “Who is Evelyn Glennie?” (pages 66 and 67) and the poem “My Dictionary Says” (page 79) of your Clickety Click. You can then do these two pages:
Our oral activity this week is a Naming Game. Click here for the video and record your results here.
This week we are going to read the first half of Chapter 2 in Jasper Goes on Holiday. Before you click on the video, predict what you think about the journey to Black Wood Farm. What will the roads be like? What will they see on the way? How will Jasper be feeling? How will Katie be feeling? Write five sentences in your copy about your predictions.
When you have that finished, click here for the video of Chapter 2 and then do the page below.
Please continue with your Fuaimeanna agus Focail. No need to write sentences.
On Monday, I want you to watch this video of your reading for this week.
On Tuesday, I want you to listen to this track of the story, while following it on the page below. Then you can complete the questions on the next page below.
On Wednesday, I want you to go over this video from last week and then complete this worksheet based on the poster. Remember to click submit when you are finished.
On Thursday, I want you to watch this little video and complete the first page below. On Friday, you can do the “Bris an Cód” activity, which is the second sheet below.
This week we are going to learn about a famous nurse called Florence Nightingale. First I would like you to watch this video about her. Then I would like you to print these worksheets about her and answer the questions. You can print either pages 4 and 5 or pages 7, 8 and 9. There is no need to do/print all the sheets. Then I would like you to compare Victorian and modern-day hospitals. You can do this in your copy but these sheets might give you ideas. (You can print and use the sheets if you prefer). Finally, Here is a wordsearch and a fun quiz for you to do.
This week I would like you to watch these Evelyn Glennie videos. This video is when she played in Sesame Street and this video is Evelyn playing Rhythmic Caprice.
Finally, I would like you to watch this video of Caitríona Frost who plays percussion with the National Concert Hall. At the end of the video I want you to draw and label three percussion instruments and write two sentences about how Caitríona decided to play percussion.
Please continue to revise your prayers daily. Remember if you’ve lost your sheet you can click here to print and download another one.
Last week we learned the first verse of the Prayer After Communion. This week we are moving on to the second verse. Here is a poster for you to print and put on your fridge.
In school we had been learning about the Mass. We learned about the Introductory Rite and the Liturgy of the Word. The next part of the Mass we learned about was the “Preparation of the Gifts”. We watched a video from Grow in Love showing this part of the Mass.
During Mass, we remember the Last Supper. The bread and wine are consecrated (blessed) at Mass. As Catholics we believe the bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Christ. This is called transubstantiation (a very big word). To consecrate the bread and wine, the priest speaks the Words of Institution or the Institution Narrative. Here is a video from Grow in Love showing this part of the Mass:
<p><a href=”https://vimeo.com/178443836″>2.4 Theme 6 Lesson 3 – Mass Institution Narrative</a> from <a href=”https://vimeo.com/growinlove”>Grow in Love by Veritas</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>
Here are pages from your Grow in Love workbook to do:
Even though we cannot attend Mass at the moment, St. Michael’s Church stream Mass live on the church website (www.stmichaelsgorey.ie) at 10am daily. They also broadcast it on the radio on 106FM.
For the month of May, they will also be streaming the rosary daily at 7pm. If you tune in on Mondays, you never know who you might see.
Here are some websites for ideas:
Scoilnet and the PDST have launched a physical literacy programme which children can follow at home. Here is the website.
RTE Jr 10@10 can be found here
Joe Wicks has a YouTube channel and does daily workouts for children. You can find his channel here
This week you can pick one of these Florence Nightingale pages to print and colour. Alternatively, you might like to draw/paint your own.
Over the next few weeks we will be working on this Weaving Well-being booklet. You can download and print it or do it in your copy. For this week, I want you to do pages 1 and 2.
***Take care and stay safe***