Schoolwork April 20th – May 1st

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all keeping safe and enjoying the lovely weather.

I have prepared some more work for you for the next two weeks. To add some structure to your day, I have organised the work by day. (You do not have to complete it day by day if it does not suit) Therefore, there is a lot repetition, numerous instructions provided on how to access the work and guidance on how to complete the work. Each day contains a little bit of maths, English, Irish and one other subject. I have tried to make it as accessible as possible – you should be able to access the majority the work set through your phone, tablet or desktop. Please read the instructions carefully as some work is specifically set for particular groups for example English spellings.

As you scroll through the work you will see I have created a number of Google form links as you may not have the specific copy for the work set. These forms are linked my school email. Therefore I will be able to view and correct your work. You also have the option of emailing the work to me. My email is 

If you have questions or you need any further guidance you can contact me through this email. You can also send me pictures or scans of your completed work or artwork.

I know every family is different and your household may be juggling a lot during these times so try your best to complete the work set to the best of your ability.  There is no need to worry if you cannot complete some of it, I will be revising the work when we return to school.

Take care,

Ms. Kenny

Mrs. Murphy’s groups:

1) Read for 15 minutes per day at their own level no more than 3 difficult words per page. Pick out two words and record them because they are difficult or interesting. Ask somebody to ask questions based on what you have read to ensure understanding .
2) Tables 2 and 4 multiplication and practice them on hit the button
3) Tables test every week asking at least 20 sums .
4) More rapid testing of multiplication tables using website https:// ! Change multiplication range 2-12 multiply by 2-12.
5) Children need to make connections with maths and real life ! Mental Maths is an ideal time to help kids find tricks and easier little ways to complete their Maths. If it a money question for example get out the money , draw it. Help them to figure it out . Don’t worry if they get stuck we will be there to go over it all when we get back to work. Stay safe and if you need any help don’t hestitate to email me on
Practice these exercises
1) Balance on one foot
2) Practice walking on tippy toes
3) Practice bunny hop and
4)Throw and catch a ball or beanbag .


Exercise will help energise you to complete your work. Try some PE with Joe before you start your work each day.

Monday 20th April


(* Those on less mental maths should pick out ten sums each day)

The following activities are based on pg.132 Mathemagic 3D Shapes–

  • Here is a video to help refresh your memory of the names of the 3D shapes 

  • Click here for a 3D Scavenger Hunt – if you can print the hunt if not write the answers in your maths copy. Here is an example of how you could write it up : 3d Shape Scavenger Hunt 

  • If you can try to create the cube and cuboid using things that you can find in your house – straws, cotton swabs, tape, blue tack, play dough, cooking dough or cardboard. You may even have toys like K’Nex that you could use. Here are pictures of my cuboid I made from cut up cardboard and play dough: Insert pictures of cuboid




  • Spelling workbook: Unit 14 pg. 55 3 spellings + Exercise 1+2
  • For those who complete SNIP spelling homework, you must revise the following spellings and put them into sentences: like, went, come, sky, try




  • For those who complete different comprehension work:
  • Click the following link to read What did you say? and answer the questions on the same page.



Over the two weeks before Easter you were working on Ceartlitriú Aonad 18 + 19 lth 60-65. We only have two more units to complete in the book so we are going to revise these two units over the next two weeks.

  • Ceartlitriú lth 60 – learn 3 spellings each day*

* Those on less Irish spelling are to learn: seoladh, stampaí, mála mór, ag lorg

  • Bun Go Barr lth 109 D – Bí ag imirt biongó leis na focail sa bhosca (Try to play a game of bingo with the words in the box)
  • Click the following link to complete the exercise 



Tuesday 21st April


Mathemagic page 133 Pyramids –

  • Look at the following pictures on how to construct a triangle based, a hexagon based, a rectangle based and pentagon based pyramid. If you can have a go at making them yourself using things that you can find in your house – straws, cotton swabs, tape, blue tack, play dough, cooking dough, cardboard, K’Nex Insert pictures of 3D shapes


  • Create the table on page 133 of Mathemagic as shown below and fill in the information:



  • Spelling workbook: Unit 14 pg. 55 3 spellings + Exercise 3 Across
  • For those who complete SNIP spelling homework, you must revise the following spellings and put them into sentences: play, this, grab, rabbit, slab


Creative Writing

In our last creative writing lesson we went back over the different parts of an explanation piece of writing and we began writing our explanation piece on how chocolate is made. We viewed a video online and took down notes on how chocolate is made. We planned out the paragraphs for our piece:


  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Paragraph 1 – Where are cacao trees grow? flowers, pods, cutting the pods, beans.
  • Paragraph 2 – What happens to the beans after they come off the tree? wooden boxes, pulp to liquid, sun, factory, paste
  • Paragraph 3 – How is the paste made into chocolate? sugar, milk, mould, solid, wrapper
  • Conclusion


We began writing our first opening paragraph with a definition of chocolate which we found in the dictionary and we each wrote an overall statement about what the explanation was about e.g. Chocolate is a sweet treat that is made from ground cacao seeds. Although you may think it is simple, it takes a long process to make create a bar of chocolate.


I have created a Google document where you can view the video once again and try to create your explanation piece on how chocolate is made. The document contains all the information provided here.


Remember to use the video to gather information only – your explanation must be in your own words.

You have two weeks to work on this task. As you cannot save your work as you write it on Google forms, I would suggest that if you have paper you can write out your answers and then when you are ready type them and submit your work.



  • Ceartlitriú lth 60 – learn 3 spellings
  • Try to practise your Gaeilge using the free apps mentioned in the previous post:

– Briathra na Gaeilge

– Cód na Gaeilge

– Duolingo

– Caoga, caoga

– Scéal an Lae

– An Teach Mór


  • Before the closure, we started learning about Japan in Geography. View the following videos and use the provided link to the World Book Online on this Google form to explore the topic of Japan further:


  • Over the next two weeks, if you have paper, try to create a small project including facts and pictures about what you have learned about Japan.

Wednesday 22nd April


Mathemagic page 134 Facts about shapes –

  • Try the find an example of each shape around your home.
  • Here is a video to refresh your memory of faces, edges and vertices (corners)×1-_vA-0-s

  • Use the shapes you find and/or the pictures in the book to fill in the table:



  • Spelling workbook : Unit 14 pg. 55 3 spellings + Exercise 3 down
  • For those who complete SNIP spelling homework, you must revise the following spellings and put them into sentences: said, look, away, carpet, harden



  • Words are divided into parts called syllables. Breaking words down into syllables can help you spell and read unfamiliar words. Within the following link you have three activities. You will view a video that will help you to learn how to divide words into syllables. You will find a link to a syllable game that will help you develop your ability to identify words as syllables. Finally there will be a short exercise based on syllables which you can answer on the page:



  • Ceartlitriú lth 60 – learn 3 spellings
  • Bun go Barr lth 110 F/G – An bhfaca…? Chonaic/ Ní fhaca – click on the link to complete the activity:


Before the break we were learning about our body and we completed a lesson about skin and hair. Now you are going to discover more about your fingerprints. Click the link to watch the video, complete the experiment and tell me what kind of fingerprint you have.


Thursday 23rd April


Mathemagic page136 Tessellations (I will return to page 135 at a later date)

  • This page is based on tessellations – remember my example I use for mental maths – shapes that tessellate are shapes used for tiling. If the shape fits together with no gaps they tessellate for example squares, if they leave gaps then they do not tessellate for example circles
  • Complete the work on page 136. I have started each sum for you below:




  • Spelling workbook: Unit 14 pg. 55 revise 12 spellings+ Exercise 4 –Remember a prefix comes before the word and a suffix comes after the word. Here is the first one completed to help you:

en      to make, made of wooden, lengthen

  • For those who complete SNIP spelling homework: Go back over the fifteen words – like, went, come, sky, try, play, this, grab, rabbit, slab, said, look, away, carpet, harden
  • Make sure to use the look cover write check method.


Grammar: Adjectives



  • Ceartlitriú lth 60 – learn 3 spellings
  • Bun go Barr lth 112/3 Léigh an Scéal Litir ó Aintín Orla agus ansin Freagair na céisteanna lth 114 (Read the story a letter from Aunty Orla pg.112/3 and answer the questions pg. 114 contained on the following form) –



  • As you may now be spending more time on the internet at home, it is important to know how to stay safe online. Over the next few weeks at home and hopefully in school we will be learning about how to stay safe while we are using our devices and when we are online. This week you will complete the first lesson ‘Lesson 1: Welcome to the internet’ by following the link below and going through the seven parts of the interactive lesson:


  • Well-being – During challenging times, it’s more important than ever to look after your child’s well-being. To help parents to help their children, Outside the Box has produced a free activity journal  to help children to enhance their mental well-being through a range of activities:  At Home with Weaving Well-being


Friday 24th April


  • Mental Maths Week 31 Friday Review pg.94

Mathemagic page 138 Decimals 3 (I will return to page 137 at a later date)

  • Complete the sums on the page. The examples below will help you.


English/Irish :

Spelling test 

  • 12 English spellings / 12 Irish spellings
  • SNIP revision words – like, went, come, sky, try, play, this, grab, rabbit, slab, said, look, away, carpet, harden


  • For art I want you to try to design a drawing of a robot using 3D shapes. Here are some pictures to inspire you:



  • After you have finished guessing, draw a picture of a scene with characters that would suit the music.



  • This week in religion we are learning about the Feast of Pentecost:


Monday 27th April


Mathemagic page 139 Multiplying decimals

  • Please complete the sums on the page. Follow the examples below



  • Spelling workbook: Unit 14 pg. 56 3 spellings + Exercise 5,6,7
  • Remember for exercise 5 – as many words as possible so you may be able to make more than one new word. Try the different endings, making sure the words you choose make sense.
  • For those who complete SNIP spelling homework, you must revise the following spellings and put them into sentences they, going, about, after, scatter





  • Ceartlitriú lth 63 – learn 3 spellings each day*

* Those on less Irish spelling learning: carraig, deatach, nead, uan



Tuesday 28th April


Mathemagic page 140 Multiplying decimals

  • Please complete the sums on the page. Follow the examples below



  • Spelling workbook:Unit 14 pg. 57 3 Spellings + Exercise 8 Wordsearch
  • For those who complete SNIP spelling homework, you must revise the following spellings and put them into sentences: another, because, brother, back, stagger


Creative Writing

  • Continue working on creative writing task set for Tuesday the 21st April – How is chocolate made?





  • Continue to work on your geography project on Japan using the videos and link to the World Book Online provided in the following Google form from last week:


Wednesday 29th April


Mathemagic page 142 Money 2 (I will return to page 141 at a later date)

  • Please complete the sums on the page. Follow the examples below:



  • Spelling workbook:Unit 14 pg. 57 3 spellings + Exercise 9+10

Remember –

nouns = person place or thing

verbs = doing words

adjectives = describing words

  • For those who complete SNIP spelling homework, you must revise the following spellings and put them into sentences: called, laugh, have, from, middle



  • When completing your work, it is always important to look back over, reread and edit your work. The following link contains a number of sentences with an incorrect word included. Retype the sentence removing the incorrect word:





For science this week you are going to test the speed of your reaction. Click the link for the experiment


Thursday 30th April


Mathemagic page 143 Money

  • Please complete the sums on the page. Follow the examples below:



  • Spelling workbook: Unit 14 pg. 56 Revise 22 spellings
  • For those who complete SNIP spelling homework: Go back over the fifteen words – they, going, about, after, scatter, another, because, brother, back, stagger, called, laugh, have, from, middle  Make sure to use the look cover write check method


Grammar – Comparative and Superlative Adjectives



  • Ceartlitriú lth 63 – learn 3 spellings
  • Bun Go Barr lth 117 G/H – Click the link for your two activities based on na Uimhreacha Pearsanta agus do sheoladh:



  • This week you will continue learning about internet safety by completing the second lesson ‘Searching the internet’. In the first part of the lesson your knowledge of how you can search the internet will be tested through a cloze procedure. It will then go on to look at copyright, guidelines, add favourites, safesearch, saving pictures and tips for searching the internet safely. You do not have to print off the sheets provided but if you can discuss the information on the sheets with an adult:


Friday 1st May


  • Mental Maths Week 31 Friday Review pg.97
  • Go back over the maths you have completed.


Spelling test 

  • 22 English spellings / 12 Irish spellings
  • SNIP revision words – they, going, about, after, scatter, another, because, brother, back, stagger, called, laugh, have, from, middle


  • As we are learning about Japan in geography, if you can, try to create some Japanese themed art. Here are some ideas and pictures:

– create a Japanese fan

– create a picture of a Japanese cherry blossom tree

– create a Japanese lantern



  • This week’s lesson is theme The Church is One Family of God. The lesson explores what it means to work as a member of a team and why working as part of a team is usually better than working on your own. This is linked to our unity as Christians – we are united in our belief in God. Although in recent times we are unable to come together, by staying apart we are working together to keep each other safe. There are also many people working together as a team on the frontline that are helping and protecting us. Therefore, it is important to remember them in our prayers.

School Work

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is keeping safe and well!

The following is the list of work I set for you before the school closure:

(Keep scrolling down as there are 6 posts in total)

  • Mental Maths: Week 28, 29, 30 pg. 83-91
  • Spelling workbook: Finish Unit 12 and complete unit 13 pg.46-53 / Continuation of SNIP homework for those who do not complete Spelling workbook work
  • Ceartlitriú pg.60-65
  • Read at Home pg.96-104

The work set in the above books brings us up to Easter holidays.

I also asked you to complete the Weight chapter in your Mathemagic book pages. 120-125. Chapter 28

You can now continue on and complete the next chapter – Chapter 29 Look Back pg.128-131.

If you do not have your books due to being absent you can access Ceartlitriú, Read at Home and Mathemagic through the CJ Fallon website through clicking the following link:

The posts to follow will provide you with some guidance and notes to remind you how to complete the above maths chapters.

I will also suggest a number of other activities for you to complete.

I hope to see you all soon,

Take care,

Ms. Kenny

Other activities:


  • P.E. with Joe / Joe Wicks movement breaks –
  • It is important to practice your tables every day –
  • For art try to draw some still images of things in your house or garden.
  • You can find lots more great suggestions in this pdf: older kids