Ms. Gordon’s Junior Infant Work 2nd – 5th June

Hello everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed the sunshine over the weekend. Please find below work for the next four days. As we are now into June, as a school we have decided we will now just be focusing on English and Maths. I have left a sample timetable as usual if you wish to follow it. If you have any questions or would like to send me work you can contact me on the following email address;

Take Care,
Ms. Gordon



  • Our last Jolly Phonic sound ‘ar‘ – sing the song, say the sound, do the action. Draw pictures of words containing the ‘ar’ sound e.g. car, bar, jar, star, shark, etc. If capable, write the words under the pictures
  • Continue to revise all sounds completed to date

Word Boxes /Reading

  • Read Word Box 9A and 10A.  Be careful of the digraph (two letter sound) in some of the words
  • Continue to read books regularly to your child at home

Tricky Words

  • Last two tricky words ‘what’ and ‘when‘- Write out these tricky words three times. Put them into a sentence orally
  • Revise all tricky words


  • Ready to Write A1: Letters x, z, e pages 62, 63, 64 (for those who collected books)

  • “Letter Formation Workbook” pages 25, 27, 6 (for those missing the letters) : Under “new to Twinkl” create an account and make sure to enter the offer code IRLTWINKLHELPS )

  • Handwriting booklet: Letters x, z, e (for those who have these letters)
  • Dictaction sentences: Call out the following 4 sentences:
    1. The cat is in the tree.
    2. I went up the hill.
    3. The bus went fast.
    4. The man has a dog.
  • Continue to practise rhyming words by completing one rhyming worksheet each day (Log onto In the “reading and writing” section, click on “rhyme: match and trace” and print one worksheet per day. If you are unable to print these, complete orally instead).
  • This weeks rhyming worksheets; Match the rhyme: (ug), (ap), (ut), (ig) – as seen below


  • Introducing Money: 1c, 2c, 5c coins. Give the children a selection of 1c, 2c and 5c coins and get them to sort them into groups. If you don’t have coins at home use this link to get the coin template below

  • Give children 2/3 coins and get them to figure out how much money they have. The children can often find this concept difficult as they count the number of coins they have rather than the value of each coin
  • Please complete the following pages: Busy at Maths book pages 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120

  • Busy at Maths home/school links pages 37, 38, 39 (Optional – revision of the above pages)



  • New Jolly Phonics Sound ‘ar’
  • New tricky word ‘what’
  • Word Box 9A (first 5 words)
  • Dictaction x1 sentence
  • Handwriting: letter ‘x’
  • Match the rhyme ‘ug’ worksheet
  • Sort 1c, 2c, 5c coins into groups
  • Busy at Maths main book pages 113, 114


  • Word Box 9A (next 5 words)
  • Handwriting: letter ‘z’
  • Dictaction x 1 sentence
  • Match the rhyme ‘ap’ worksheet
  • Practise counting using 1c, 2c, 5c coins
  • Busy at Maths main book pages 115, 116


  • Revise new Jolly Phonics sound ‘ar’
  • New tricky word ‘when’
  • Word Box 10A (first 5 words)
  • Dictaction x1 sentence
  • Match the rhyme ‘ut’ worksheet
  • Practise counting using 1c, 2c, 5c coins
  • Busy at Maths main book pages 117, 118


  • Word box 10A (next 5 words)
  • Handwriting: letter ‘e’
  • Dictaction x1 sentence
  • Match the rhyme ‘ig’ worksheet
  • Practise counting using 1c, 2c, 5c coins
  • Busy at Maths main book pages 119, 120





Easter Raffle

The winners of the Easter Raffle belatedly drawn today were

Alan Cushe – Age 21 + VAT

Grace Gill  – Junior Infants- Mrs. Kirwan

Stephen Sheehan –  5th  – Mr. O’Brien

Robin O’Toole  – 3rd – Ms. Kinsella


Congratulations everybody and thank you once again for your support. All proceeds go towards the young peoples trip to Lourdes. 

Awards Ceremony

Congratulations to all of the boys and girls who collected awards today in St. Joseph’s and well done to Johnny Connors 6th class who won the Ger Hogan Award for his wonderful contribution to St Joseph’s over the past five years. Well done Johnny!