Book Club

Hi everyone. Our new Book Club leaflets went home yesterday. Please return your orders to the class teacher by next Wednesday 28th February .

You can also order online. Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every €1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 25¢in Scholastic Rewards.

Please place your order online by February 28th, 2018.

The children also received their World Book Day Tokens. The tokens can be used with the Book Club Order. Just deduct €1.50 from the total cost and send the token in with the order.

Alternatively, when you get your book token, all you need to do is to take it to your local bookseller, the Bookstation, and swap it for one of the exclusive, new and completely FREE World Book Day books.

Or, if you’d prefer, you can use your book token to get €1.50 off any full price book instead.

Then all YOU have to do is take your book home and enjoy it.

The World Book Day book tokens are valid from Monday 26 February–Sunday 25 March 2018.