School closure

Dear parents,

Below you will find a list of school work to cover the additional time added to the school closure. I would ask that you do a small amount of work with your child each day, not only to ensure that they are continuing to practice their skills but also to provide a routine so that the transition back to school will be made easier.

I would like to wish you all the best and hope that you are all keeping safe during this time.

Miss Doyle



  • Sounds copy-continue revising all sounds.


  • Blending: Gallery of word flashcards below. If you click on the first picture you can then scroll through the rest. There are 2, 3 and 4 letter words included, a selection of which could be worked on each day. If your child is finding the longer words difficult just focus on the shorter words. Remember the ‘stretching out’ method.

(This game could be used instead of the flashcards at times).

  • Dictation-Call out the following words for your child to write down. Remind them to ‘stretch out’ the words to help them to identify the individual sounds. If you wish to do more you could use the words from the flashcards above.  bet, bed, bag, in, it, am, bat, can, cap, dab, led, leg, red, get, web, peg, mix, hid, six, jig, sip


  • Tricky words book-continue practicing the first 12 words.


  • Handwriting-letters p and u


1. Counting

  • Links to counting games:

  • Busy at Maths pg. 25

2. Addition

  • Busy at maths pg. 26-27
  • If you wish to do some ‘hands on’ maths practice you could place 5 objects in front of the child, dividing them into two groups e.g. 2 and 3, then state the number sentence ‘2 and 3 make 5’

3. Full/empty

  1. Demonstrate ‘full’ and ’empty’ using a container/box with water or objects in it. Ask them to point at the ‘full’ container and the ’empty’ container.
  2. Busy at maths pg. 28

Note: You do not need to repeat all of this work everyday. A little bit per day is enough, hopefully completing all of the work over time.

Some useful websites:

  • Edco are offering free access to all of their ebooks and online resources. You will see the set of little books we use in school for the children to practice reading if they wish.

  • Lots of maths and English games.

  • Twinkl have daily lessons and activities for all ages, created by teachers. They are also  offering free access to their other resources. Suggested resources to search for: cutting and sticking, phonics, ebooks, colouring. Instructions on signing up for a free account can be found on the homepage of the school website.

  • We use this free website in school for movement breaks.