Mrs.Armstrong’s Work Week 20th &27th April

Hi everyone

Hope you are all well and safe and still eating Easter Eggs !!!

Parents please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need assistance with any work that has been sent previously or in the future.


To my students in 4th class.

Keep yourselves busy with some of the FUN activities I have added for you and try your best to do the rest.

Please work ahead as best you can on the links I have provided if you have access to them.

There is no pressure at all  to get all this work completed just keep your great imaginations and brains active !!!!

Please just do what you can and leave anything that you find confusing or extra extra tricky and don’t worry we will catch up on it when we’re all back to school.

This is work for the next two weeks similar to before Easter Holidays.

-Do any written work or maths in the same copy or on sheets and keep them together. Do your best and have fun !!!!

Each day try to get these completed

1 day of Mental Maths

Read at Home -Reading

Read at Home – Write answers

Spellings 5 spellings

2 Sentences (make them funny!!) 

Do 1-2 exercises From SpellingWorkbook

Irish reading – see Link below

Details below

Added Links

-Maths Link for additional revision each day if you have access to these links

Work at your own pace

-Irish Link for Irish reading. Work  at your own pace.


-Races – shuttle runs- time yourself

-Obstacle course -create your own in your garden

  • challenge yourself 
  • hurling/camogie/ football / soccer skills ( how many roll lifts in 30 secs / how many keepy uppys can you do in 30 secs etc
  • How many basketball dribbles in 30 secs
  • Jog on the spot 30secs next day 60 secs Etc

Art and Projects

Try some of these

-Design a soccer gaa or camogie jersey or a t-shirt for you favourite tv show or video game.

-You can also do projects on topics of your choice. ( people places hobbies art  etc) I would love to see any projects you do. Pictures can be sent to me on my school email provided.

-This is a link to The Great Isolation Activity Book. They’re are some nice activities to do with your family of siblings. You may be able to print it or just use ideas from the booklet too and put your own stamp on it. Enjoy !!!!

English 2 Weeks

-Library Books Reading each day

Read at Home Week 22


1 page per day

-Write Answers to questions

Draw some scenes from these stories

Spelling Workbook 2 weeks

20th April

-finish Unit 14 -5 spellings per day. Move on to revision list

-Do Look Cover Say Write each day

-Do 2 exercises from Unit 14 each day

-Do two sentences per day from your spelling list. Choose any of the words.

2nd Week :Move onto Unit 15 for week 27th April and do the same

Maths 2 weeks 

-Mental Maths Week 19 20

-Hit the Button – Topmarks

-Practice 8x 9x 10x tables 

Say them or Write out each day ( they are in the back of your Mental Maths)

Time yourself !


Try some of these to test yourself over the next two weeks

Irish 2 weeks

If you have access to these websites

  • read some of the story each day
  • And work on the exercises

Page 92-97 in Bun go Barr

-Revise over Irish spellings and meanings that we have in your journals

Watch some shows on: